
Posts Tagged ‘Bashar Al-Assad’s fall’

Syria, the Case for Intervention

December 11, 2012 Leave a comment

The Syrian pot continues to boil, with fighting in Damascus, the aerial bombing of towns around the country, and reports that Washington is beginning to consider helping arm the rebels. Violence in Syria-2President Bashar al-Assad’s fall may now be inevitable, but it could yet be drawn out. And none of these developments alone contains the prospect of ending violence in the country any time soon.

The longer the Syrian civil war drags on, the more likely it becomes that Mr Assad’s departure will only open a wider, more sectarian, civil conflict with unsettling ramifications for several neighboring states.

In Bosnia, in Kosovo and in Libya the US and its allies have in the past employed air power to expedite a satisfactory end to civil wars. It is time to consider doing the same in Syria. Read more…