
Posts Tagged ‘Atheism’

Iran Becomes a Non-Islamic Country

September 26, 2021 Leave a comment

A recent poll shows a significant shift in Iranians’ faith. Only 32.2% identified themselves as Shia Muslims, the whopping 62% are either Atheists, Agnostics or joined other faiths. That makes Iran which was once “a Muslim Majority country”, a non-Islamic country, the majority of Iranians have abandoned Islam.

There are two types of nation on our “earth”, in one the intellectuality grows among its people over time thru public awareness and critics in an open and free environment, which will lead to a democratic population, where every individual chooses his own faith. In this type of nation, a wide spectrum of conviction usually prevailed, with growing religiosity at one end and expanding atheism at the other.

In other types of “nation”, whose population lives in a closed environment under a totalitarian regime (i.e, Iran under Shah), in particular of an oppressive religious type (i.e, Iran under IRI), the society would never get a chance to develop public realization and consciousness. However just as an authoritarian regime is more brittle than a democratic one, the religion Islam with its repression of heterodox ideas and punishment, which also lacks the flexibility to deal with internal critics, drives Muslims to leave the faith. It is not just Iran, Atheism among Islamic countries is spreading like wildfire, from Tunisia, to Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, and Sudan, etc. 

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Atheists Outnumber Theists

May 24, 2016 Leave a comment



Religions are the tools in the hands of the world’s 1% rich to put slavery chain on the necks of the people in order to abuse their human/civil rights and keep them under their control. In other word, the allegedly uplifting religion serves as a refuge for those whose rights, owing to poverty or powerlessness, are abused by powerful and rich people. Among religions, the primitive stone-age Islam is the mostly used gizmo for the powerful puppeteers to run their imbecilic puppets across the world. 

The reason for everyday increasing in number of non-religious people in the world is the fact that the new generation believes in critical thinking, they doubt accepting anything without a reason and a verification process. This is exactly the mandate of the atheism, while religion is the belief (submission without doubt) in and worship of a supernatural controlling power, which closes the door on any substantiation process. [DID]


The number of people who say they have no religion is rapidly escalating and significantly outweighs the Christian population in England and Wales, according to new analysis.

The proportion of the population who identify as having no religion – referred to as “nones” – reached 48.5% in 2014, almost double the figure of 25% in the 2011 census. Those who define themselves as Christian – Anglicans, Catholics and other denominations – made up 43.8% of the population.

“The striking thing is the clear sense of the growth of ‘no religion’ as a proportion of the population,” said Stephen Bullivant, senior lecturer in theology and ethics at St Mary’s Catholic University in Twickenham, who analysed data collected through British Social Attitudes surveys over three decades.

“The main driver is people who were brought up with some religion now saying they have no religion. What we’re seeing is an acceleration in the numbers of people not only not practising their faith on a regular basis, but not even ticking the box. The reason for that is the big question in the sociology of religion.” Read more…

10 Reasons for Mankind to Leave Religion Behind

April 27, 2014 Leave a comment


It’s been reported recently that atheism is on the rise worldwide, while religiosity is declining. The relationship between the religious and non-religious has always been a tricky one; while many from each group eventually find themselves forced to admit that there is much to learn from the other, atheists still generally have a tough time accepting the role that religion plays in society—and are of the opinion that humanity would be better off leaving it behind, for a number of reasons. Here are ten of them. Read more…

The Top 10 Reasons I Don’t Believe in God

April 18, 2014 Leave a comment
The following is an excerpt from “Why Are You Atheists So Angry?  99 Things That Piss Off the Godless”  by Greta Christina. The book is available electronically on KindleNook, and soon in print.

“Does God exist?” is a valid and relevant question. Here are my Top Ten reasons why the answer is a resounding, “No.”

1: The consistent replacement of supernatural explanations of the world with natural ones.

When you look at the history of what we know about the world, you see a noticeable pattern. Natural explanations of things have been replacing supernatural explanations of them. Like a steamroller. Why the Sun rises and sets. Where thunder and lightning come from. Why people get sick. Why people look like their parents. How the complexity of life came into being. I could go on and on. Read more…